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There's life in other systems: the comic character outside narratives

This text is part of the research "Characters in Tattoo: the transposition of comic story pages to the human body" - developed by the research group "The Visual Signs in the Media" with the research group "Fictional Genres and Mediatic Culture", with FAPESP support. The objective is to study the innovational aspects which appear with the transposition of comic character figures to tattoos. The present article intends to delineate the main characteristics of comic characters whose main trait unlike that of characters from literature, theatre or cinema, is visuality. To define this specific kind of visual representation we will resort to texts from the literature, theatre, cinema and communication areas. Specifically considering their visual aspect, the different styles of drawing, which up to a certain extent relate to artistic styles and narrative genres, were categorized. With this, we intend to show that the drawing of comic characters in other systems (Marketing, Advertising, Fashion, Arts and Tattoo) is made from models already known to the public.However, we noticed that even the characters of the mainstream comics that are strictly supervised by the companies they belong to, go through a re-signification process when transposed to other semiotic systems.

International Journal of Comic Art (2015) - Impresso (v. 17, n.2, p. 547-560)



Roberto Elísio

João Batista Freitas Cardoso

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